Wrapping up the Festive Season with Traditional Folk Songs (Winter)- ONLINE
We will explore winter folk songs, Wassailing songs, and traditional songs to close out the holiday festive season.
Participants will have time to get familiar with the songs we will sing Zoom-style. You need not be able to read music to attend our fun workshop. You may bring an instrument to accompany your singing Zoom-style, but a musical instrument is not required. Bring your voice, your curiosity, your passion for singing, and your desire to have fun. This is a great way to make some new friends.
Ruthanne will share folklore associated with these beloved traditional folk songs. These Zoom workshops are always a great way to brighten a dark winter’s day! Once you are registered, we will provide you with the workshop Zoom link and the workshop songbook.
All levels of singers are welcome.
Refunds, Pro-rates and Cancellation Policy: Refunds will only be issued if Calliope cancels a class due to insufficient enrollment. If that happens, you will be notified in advance and will receive a refund or credit within 30 days from the start of class. No refunds will be given to those who cancel their registration within 2 days before a class starts or after class begins. Classes may not be pro-rated; please plan accordingly. Confirmations will be sent approximately a week before a class starts via email (please specify if you prefer to be contacted by phone).