George Balderose, a piper with nearly thirty years of performing experience, plays the Great Highland Pipes and/or smallpipes for weddings, concerts, festivals, funerals, birthday celebrations, and other special events. George also performs with Irish and Scottish dancers and teaches Scottish and Irish pipe music on the Great Highland Bagpipe and various types of smallpipes.
He has performed as a soloist at the Metropolitan Museum in New York City, at Carnegie Music Hall in Pittsburgh, and four times as a guest artist with the Pittsburgh Symphony at Heinz Hall. He has also appeared in concert with Tom Chapin and John McCutcheon, The River City Brass Band, Brigadoon with Point Park College and the Civic Light Opera at the Benedum, and others. A New York Times reviewer described George as having a “virtuoso’s gift” and in the words of another he is a “virtuosic piper.” His many competitive successes include winning the MacCrimmon Quaich for Grade One piping four times.